The Western Mass Area Labor Federation Endorses Anthony Russo and Tom Hendrickson for Agawam City Council
The Western Mass Area Labor Federation (WMALF), representing over 30,000 workers from across Western Massachusetts, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Anthony Russo and Tom Hendrickson for Agawam City Council. Endorsements are determined through a democratic process by which WMALF delegates from private- and public-sector unions in Hampshire County vote to endorse candidates based upon the research and recommendations of the WMALF’s Committee on Political Education. The WMALF encourages all Agawam voters to cast their vote for labor’s endorsed candidates this election day because of their strong positions in support of policies that benefit working people.
The WMALF is excited to endorse candidates who support our vision: public investments that benefit the community and workers; safe and dignified work for all; strong public schools; policies that support workers’ right to organize; responsible economic development that shares benefits with workers; and other policies that create a better life for all working people of Western Mass. We look forward to working with endorsed candidates to ensure in every city council meeting and in every municipal ordinance that the voices of working people are leading the way.